News Releases

Corps seeks comments on draft Environmental Assessment for Steamboat Slough habitat restoration

Published May 15, 2013

PORTLAND, ORE. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks comments on a draft Environmental Assessment for Steamboat Slough habitat restoration in the Lower Columbia River Estuary.


The Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is proposing to restore tidal connection and fish access to 68 acres of historically tidal wetlands on the mainstem of the Columbia River. The Steamboat Slough project site is located within the mainland portion of the Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-tailed Deer in Wahkiakum County, Wash.


The restoration project’s primary goals and features include: 

  • Re-establish tidal connection between the Columbia River and the project site to restore estuarine floodplain habitats
  • Provide improved access and rearing/refuge habitat for juvenile salmonids
  • Restore tidal channel habitats
  • Restore native wetland plant communities and functions to enhance productivity of the site

The draft EA is available for public review and comment  at


Questions or comments regarding the draft EA should be directed to Mr. Steve Helm, (503) 808-4778,, or at the address below.  Mailed comments must be postmarked by May 29, 2013 and sent to:


District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Portland

Attn:  CENWP-PM-E/Steve Helm

P.O. Box 2946

Portland, OR  97208-2946


In your response, please refer to the public notice number (CENWP-PM-E-13-07), title, and date. A "no comment" response will be assumed if no response is received prior to or postmarked by the above expiration date.

Steve Helm
Diana Fredlund

Release no. 13-025

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