News Releases

Corps seeks information about Cottage Grove Lake tree vandalism

Published Nov. 2, 2012

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and its partners are seeking information from the public about the vandalism of about 20 trees near the western shoreline of Cottage Grove Lake in the vicinity of 75200 London Road, Cottage Grove, Ore., in May 2012.

The trees were fully ringed with cuts from chainsaws, axes or hatchets that penetrated completely through the bark layers and into the cambium.  Corps natural resource managers predict the trees are likely to weaken or die from the vandalism, posing a safety risk to roads, power lines and other Corps, Lane County, Emerald People's Utility District and Weyerhaeuser assets.

Members of the public who have information about this damage to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers property should call Portland District's Security and Law Enforcement Office at 503-808-4440. Callers can remain anonymous, and information leading to the arrest and prosecution of individuals causing the damage can earn a reward of up to $1,000.

Scott Clemans

Release no. 12-061

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