News Releases

Spillway gate rehab closes Detroit Dam road

Published Oct. 30, 2020

A second season of rehabilitation of the Detroit Dam spillway gates begins Nov. 2, which will close the road on top of the dam.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers anticipates the work window and road closure to last through February 28, 2021. Currently, the Corps plans to manage reservoir levels to the rule curve during normal winter draw down operations and maintain a 1450 feet elevation by Dec. 1; although, this could change due to shifts in seasonal hydrologic conditions. 

The Corps encourages the public to check the teacup diagrams, which are located at: Hover over each dam to read the water elevation, inflows and outflows, and click to read more details about each reservoir. For more information, call 503-808-4510.

For questions about parks and recreation, call the Oregon State Parks manager at 503-480-9858.

Willamette Valley Project: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operates 13 dam and reservoir projects in the Willamette River drainage system. Each dam contributes to a water resource management system that provides flood damage reduction, power generation, irrigation, water quality improvement, fish and wildlife habitat and recreation on the Willamette River and many of its tributaries. Since their completion, the dams have cumulatively prevented over $25 billion in flood damages to the Willamette Valley. For more information, visit:

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Tom Conning

Release no. 20-145

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