News Releases

Corps warns mariners about underwater pile dikes on Columbia River

Published May 13, 2020
Columbia River Pile Dike

Columbia River Pile Dike

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers advises recreational boaters and commercial mariners that recent high water levels may be concealing some pile dikes on the Columbia River. Pile dikes are frequently just below the surface during high water events and can cause serious damage to vessels attempting to transit over them.

Pile dikes, also called wing dams, are wooden structures that extend from the shore into the river. The structures have a variety of uses ranging from protecting the shore to managing the flow of the navigation channel. More information and photos of pile dikes can be found on the Corps’ website at

The Corps advises commercial and recreational mariners to review channel conditions regularly for the locations of pile dikes and other obstacles at or

Jeffrey Henon

Release no. 20-050

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