News Releases

Corps' Portland District closes recreation areas and cancels events due to COVID-19

Published March 16, 2020
Bonneville Lock and Dam Visitor Center

Bonneville Lock and Dam Visitor Center

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) is closing several recreation sites and canceling events in light of COVID-19 impacts.

Beginning tomorrow, March 17, the following recreation updates are in effect:

All Portland District locations:
• Day-use parks: open 
• All school group events: canceled

Columbia River Project:
Bonneville Dam: 
• Bradford Island and Washington Shore Visitor Centers: closed
• Robins Island and Bradford Island parks: closed
• The Great Electrifying Event, April 4: canceled

All other recreation sites and activities are operating as normal. The Corps is currently evaluating potential impacts to campgrounds and will update the public in the event of closures. 

For more information related to COVID-19, visit the CDC’s Coronavirus website here: Learn more about what the U.S. Government is doing here:

These updates are constantly evolving with new information and guidance released about COVID-19.

Questions? Call the public affairs office at 503-808-4510.

Stay up-to-date with Portland District openings and closures. 
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @PortlandCorps

Lauren Bennett

Release no. 20-002

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