News Releases

Bonneville Navigation Lock returning to service

Published Sept. 26, 2019

The Bonneville Navigation Lock will reopen to Columbia River traffic between 10 p.m. Friday, September 27 and 10 a.m. Saturday Sept. 28, depending on the results of final operational testing.

Engineers from the Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are conducting inspections and tests on the lock and the newly repaired concrete sill.

“Our engineers and experts have identified this 12-hour window as our target reopening,” said Liza Wells, chief, Engineering and Construction. "We are currently working with the U.S. Coast Guard, which manages river traffic, and all river users to ensure safe and timely passage through the lock.”

The navigation lock was originally scheduled to return to service Sept. 30. However, round-the-clock construction and favorable weather conditions allowed for the accelerated opening.

Portland District closed the navigation lock Sept. 5 after lock operators detected problems with the lock during operation. Engineers drained the lock on Sept. 6, performed an inspection and discovered the downstream concrete sill, a structure against which lock gates create a water-tight seal, was damaged and needed replacement. The Corps closed the lock to vessels to repair the concrete sill, which required removing the existing sill and placing concrete for a new replacement sill.

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Release no. 19-023

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