News Releases

Ecological Burn window begins in Willamette Valley

Published Sept. 10, 2019

With cooler temperatures and rainfall in the forecast, there is a potential for ecological burns in the West Eugene Wetlands to begin next week. Burning is planned on approximately 1,000 acres between now and the end of October. Individual burn units range from less than an acre to 130 acres. 

The Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management, City of Eugene, Fish and Wildlife Service, Lane County and The Nature Conservancy conduct these controlled burns each year on lands throughout the southern Willamette Valley to protect and restore valuable biological diversity in prairie and savanna ecosystems.  

Experienced and highly trained fire crews will be managing these controlled burns using detailed burn plans, which include extensive prescriptions for conducting the burns to provide maximum protection for the community. The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency reviews and approves the plans, specifying conditions under which the burns may proceed. 

We carefully consider weather conditions and burn only on days when the wind is forecasted to blow smoke away from nearby residential areas and roadways. For this reason, we usually cannot specify days burning will occur more than 24 hours in advance. Updates will be posted throughout the burn season on the Willamette Valley Prescribed Fire Facebook page; go to and search for “Willamette Valley Prescribed Fire. For more information, visit

If you are interested in doing a story about the ecological burns, please notify Jennifer Velez ahead of time to arrange access and interviews. 

Lauren Bennett, USACE
Jennifer Velez, BLM

Release no. 19-017

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