News Releases

Improved infrastructure at Wiley Park to be installed Friday

Published Oct. 17, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers removed an old and deteriorating restroom and replaced it with a more efficient, vault-style toilet that will be easier and less expensive to maintain. The installation was at Wiley Park, a small recreation area and boat ramp on the South Santiam River below Foster Dam and Reservoir, near Sweet Home, Oregon.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers removed an old and deteriorating restroom and replaced it with a more efficient, vault-style toilet that will be easier and less expensive to maintain. The installation was at Wiley Park, a small recreation area and boat ramp on the South Santiam River below Foster Dam and Reservoir, near Sweet Home, Oregon. “We don’t usually have the funding to make major improvements at our recreation areas,” said Park Manager Tami Schroeder. “So, we are excited about this opportunity to update the facilities at Wiley Park.” Demolition of the old building began in late September, and the vault toilet was installed on Friday, Oct. 20.

PORTLAND, Ore. – You may have noticed some recent changes to Wiley Park, a small recreation area and boat ramp on the South Santiam River below Foster Dam and Reservoir, near Sweet Home, Oregon.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has removed an old and deteriorating restroom and is replacing it with a more efficient, vault-style toilet that will be easier and less expensive to maintain.

“We don’t usually have the funding to make major improvements at our recreation areas,” said Park Manager Tami Schroeder. “So, we are excited about this opportunity to update the facilities at Wiley Park.” 

Demolition of the old building began in late September, and the vault toilet is scheduled to be installed on Friday, Oct. 20. Park visitors should avoid the closed-off area until construction is completed and the disturbed soil is revegetated.

“Replacing the current restroom facilities with concrete vault toilets will reduce operation and maintenance costs and decrease stress on the aging water and sewage systems at Foster Dam,” said Schroeder. “The new facility will also better accommodate people with disabilities because it is designed to comply with the American Barriers Act.”

This project is being funded through the Corps’ Recreation Infrastructure Investment Strategy, which supports local projects that promote efficiency and sustainability while continuing to provide high-quality recreation opportunities. The Corps’ office in the Willamette Valley made a special request for funds to complete the project.
Tom Conning

Release no. 17-052

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