News Releases

Reminder: Hunting not allowed on most Corps lands

Published Sept. 5, 2014

PORTLAND, ORE. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prohibits hunting on Corps property between Celilo Park and the city of Arlington in Oregon.

With waterfowl hunting season beginning Sept. 6, the Corps urges all hunters to respect the boundaries of Corps projects when they are hunting in these areas.

“Hunting is a time-honored activity in Oregon and throughout the West,” said Col. Jose Aguilar, the Corps’ Portland District Commander. “However, the area between The Dalles and John Day dams is very popular for a variety of recreational activities, including camping, hiking and fishing. We need to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable visit to our facilities and lands.”

Before the Corps changes hunting restrictions, it must consider the impacts for safety, environmental review and tribal consultation, Aguilar added.

The hunting prohibition includes, but is not limited to, the operational footprints of John Day and The Dalles dams. Additionally, no hunting is allowed at Celilo Park and Rufus Landing, the two recreation areas on The Dalles Lock and Dam property, nor at the two John Day Lock and Dam recreation areas, Giles French Park and Lepage Campground and day use area.  

To learn more about where hunting is allowed on Corps lands contact the park rangers at the recreation area where you plan to visit.

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) recently opened public hunting for pheasant, quail, partridge, waterfowl, snipe and rabbit with shotgun and bow using flu-flu arrows on state land along this river corridor, identified as the Columbia River State Wildlife Refuge, in the 2014 -2015 Oregon Game Bird Regulations.


Release no. 14-050

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