Public Notices

Draft FS/EA: Lower Willamette River Ecosystem Restoration Study

Environmental Planning Section
Published Sept. 23, 2014
Lower Willamette River Ecosystem Restoration Study
Multnomah County, Oregon

Issue Date: September 23, 2014
Expiration Date: October 23, 2014

Interested parties are hereby notified that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) is seeking public comment on the draft Lower Willamette River Ecosystem Restoration Project, Feasibility Study and Integrated Environmental Assessment (draft FS/EA). The draft FS/EA addresses the impacts associated with implementation of ecosystem restoration actions along the lower Willamette River, as well as in Tryon Creek and Columbia Slough in Multnomah County, Oregon. The goal of this study is to identify an ecosystem restoration plan maximizing habitat benefits while minimizing impacts to environmental, cultural, or socio-economic resources.

Many natural habitats sustaining fish and wildlife in and along the Willamette River have degraded over time. The proposed action would restore aquatic and riparian habitats along the lower river by increasing the quantity and quality of habitats, and restore natural riverine processes. The proposed action would restore five sites by implementing a combination of measures, which include installing large wood, replanting riparian vegetation, removing invasive species, increasing floodplain connectivity and reconnecting side channels, alcoves, and backwater habitats, and removing fish barriers to facilitate access to upstream spawning and rearing habitats. Sites were selected based on the potential each site provided in meeting the project goal, as well as considering of how each site fit in the overall watershed. Restoration measures were developed to restore habitat function, while also recognizing several factors which limit restoration along the Willamette River, including land use practices, regulated flows, and urban development.

An integrated draft EA has been prepared for the proposed Federal action in accord with the Council on Environmental Quality’s National Environmental Policy Act regulations [Federal Register 40 CFR 1508.9(a)]. At the end of the public comment period, the Corps will consider all comments received by close of business on the expiration date of this public notice and make a determination of significance of impacts resulting from the proposed action.

Environmental Document: The draft EA is available on the Corps webpage in the Announcements section at

Additional Information and Comments: Questions or comments regarding the draft FS/EA should be directed to Ms. Kristine Lightner, (503) 808-4748,, or to the address below. Mailed comments must be received by close of business on October 22, 2014 and sent to:

District Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineer District, Portland
Attn: CENWP-PM-E/Kristine Lightner
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946

In your response, please refer to the above public notice number (CENWP-PM-E-14-12), title and date. Should no response be received by the above closing date, a “no comment” response will be assumed.