Revised Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’; Conforming was published in the Federal Register on September 8, 2023. View the Corps announcement 8 September 2023 - EPA and the Army Issue Final Rule to Amend 2023 Rule and related announcements about Waters of the United States (WOTUS) on the the USACE Headquarters Regulatory Announcements page.

Regulatory Program Notices

Below are regulatory announcements, in chronological order, which are both current and historical. Current announcements provide information regarding ongoing regulatory processes and happenings. Historical announcements remain posted, as long as they remain up-to-date and applicable, to provide the public with a transparent record of changes and improvements to our program.   Regulatory image of trees over a creek

Release of the Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) Version 2.0 for the State of Oregon

Portland District
Published Sept. 23, 2024

Joint Public Notice 

Release of the Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) Version 2.0 for the State of Oregon

Issue Date: September 23, 2024

The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL); the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps); and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 (EPA) jointly announce the publication and release of the Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) for Oregon Version 2.0. SFAM provides a scientifically supported, rapid assessment tool for gathering information on the environmental and community benefits – the functions and values – associated with wadeable, non-tidal streams. In a regulatory context, SFAM is used to inform alternatives analysis and the selection, design, and monitoring of compensatory mitigation sites under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Oregon’s Removal-Fill Law. The method may also be used broadly whenever a rapid function-based assessment could help inform management, conservation, and restoration decision-making and monitoring efforts. 

Changes in SFAM Version 2.0 

SFAM was refined by DSL and EPA. SFAM consists of four components: the SFAM Workbook; SFAM User Manual; SFAM Scientific Rationale; and the Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP) and SFAM Map Viewer.

•    Recently available data and research have been incorporated to improve standard performance indices for several measures of function. 
•    New and updated data layers were added to the ORWAP and SFAM Map Viewer to improve some measures of value. 
•    Version 2.0 reflects edits and corrections stemming from user input received since SFAM Version 1.1 was released in April 2020. 

All SFAM components have been updated to reflect these edits as well as to provide current data and information. The process of applying SFAM and field data collection protocols have not changed. 

All SFAM components are available for download on the DSL website at The ORWAP and SFAM Map Viewer is available on the Oregon Explorer Aquatic Mitigation page at  

Agency Requirements Regarding SFAM

The new version of SFAM may be used immediately for both state and federal permit purposes. If data has already been collected, the information can easily be transferred to the new version. 

State Removal-Fill Permits: SFAM is an approved method in administrative rules (OAR 141-085-0685) for assessing functions and values of streams. Information on how to use SFAM outputs in permit applications may be found in the Oregon Removal Fill Guide available at Beginning January 1, 2025, stream assessments received with a removal-fill permit application must be completed using SFAM Version 2.0. Applications received prior to January 1, 2025, that used SFAM Version 1.1 will be required to use the new version if the application is determined to be incomplete and subsequently resubmitted.  

Federal Clean Water Act (Section 404) Permits: Use of SFAM is recommended, but not required, by the Corps.  

For More Information
For additional guidance on using SFAM for state and federal permits, contact:

Oregon Department of State Lands
For general or project-specific requirements contact the DSL Removal Fill staff for your county, found at
For technical questions on SFAM components contact Melody Rudenko, 503-508-4035,

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
For general or project specific requirements contact the Corps Project Manager for your county, found at
For technical questions on SFAM components contact Andrea Seager, 541-465-6882,