Portland District News https://www.nwp.usace.army.mil Portland District News RSS Feed en-us Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:25:00 GMT Tue, 23 Jul 2024 05:09:08 GMT Essayons dredges Alaskan channel https://www.nwp.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Stories/Article/492575/essayons-dredges-alaskan-channel/ Portland District's dredge Essayons spent some of its summer dredging the Cook Inlet navigation channel, which is about six miles from Anchorage, Alaska.<br/> <img src='https://media.defense.gov/2013/Aug/22/2000754769/115/75/0/130708-A-GJ792-001.JPG' alt='Portland District’s dredge Essayons and its crew spent part of their summer in Alaska, dredging in the Cook Inlet navigation channel about six miles from Anchorage. The federal navigation channel was constructed in 2000 and is essential to ship traffic entering and leaving the Port of Anchorage. Before the Essayons arrived, sand in the channel reduced depths by eight to ten feet above the authorized depth. The ship removed more than two and a half million cubic yards of material, nearly 300,000 truck loads, from the navigation channel in just 33 days. The Essayons is one of only two Corps-owned dredges on the West Coast. The ship was built in 1983 and designed to dredge anywhere in the world. Its work typically takes it from Hawaii to the Pacific Northwest to Alaska. Getting the Essayons to Alaska for the 2013 season required considerable team effort across several Corps districts. ' /> <br /> Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:25:00 GMT DoD News https://www.nwp.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Stories/Article/492575/essayons-dredges-alaskan-channel/ dredge dredging