Issue Date: August 7, 2024
Expiration Date: August 22, 2024
Corps Reference: PM-F-Section 408 0260-FY24 Port of Longview Stormwater and Wastewater Improvement Project, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
15-Day Notice
This Public Notice announces the Section 408 review of the Port of Longview Stormwater and Wastewater Improvement .
Portland District is reviewing the Port of Longview proposal to improve industrial wastewater conveyance at Berth 5 and 6 in Cowlitz County, Washington.
Alteration of a federally authorized project: This project proposes to improve the wastewater conveyance system at the Port of Longview. The project includes proposed changes to Berths 5 and 6 lift stations, new wastewater force main, and valve vaults waterward of the Consolidated Diking Improvement District (CDID) No. 1 levee centerline. It also includes the area where the existing wastewater force mains extend from inland of the Columbia River levee at Berth 7 to the Port’s Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant. The total Project Area encompasses portions of upland Berth 5, the backup area of Berth 6, and the backup area of Berth 7, and continues north in the laydown area to include the force mains and conveyance infrastructure of the Port’s Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Project Area does not extend over water; no overwater or in-water work is proposed. The Project Area is accessible by paved and gravel roads within a security-restricted area. Since the work includes penetration of the CDID No. 1 levee, the work requires authorization from the Corps, pursuant to 33 USC 408 (Section 408). Section 408 provides authority to the Secretary of the Army to grant permission for the alteration or modification of Corps federal civil works projects when, in the judgment of the Secretary, such alteration or modification will not be injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the project.
Consideration of Comments: The Corps is soliciting comments specific to this project from the public, federal, state, and local agencies and officials, and other interested parties. Comments will be considered in determining whether it would be in the public interest to proceed with this action.
All comments received will become part of the official record and are subject to public release under the Freedom of Information Act including any personally identifiable information such as names, phone numbers, and addresses.
Comments: Interested parties may submit, in writing, any comments directed specifically to this proposal and not to other regulatory processes administered by the Corps or other government agencies pertaining to the Port of Longview Stormwater and Wastewater Improvement
Comments should refer to PM-F- 0260-FY24 - Port of Longview Stormwater and Wastewater Improvement and the date of this Public Notice (August 7, 2024) and be electronically submitted by the comment due date (August 22, 2024).
Comments must be sent electronically to section408nwp@usace.army.mil . Message subject MUST SAY: Public Notice PM-F- 0260-FY24 Port of Longview Stormwater and Wastewater Improvement .
Alternatively, comments can be sent and be postmarked by the comment due date (August 22, 2024).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
ATTN: Ms. Sally Bird-Gauvin
P.O. Box 2946
Portland, Oregon 97208-2946.
For additional information, please send email to: section408nwp@usace.army.mil, attention to: Sally Bird-Gauvin. This public notice is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District.