The Dalles Lock and Dam is located on the Columbia River near The Dalles, Oregon.

Bradford Island


Bradford Island is part of the Bonneville Dam complex, which is located on the Columbia River at river mile 146.1, approximately 40 miles east of Portland, Oregon. The island has been the site of a variety of activities since dam construction including project maintenance, housing, equipment storage, chemical storage, and waste disposal.  

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began investigating the potential for contamination from historical disposal activities in 1997. Site investigations on Bradford Island began with evaluation of a landfill located near the eastern end on the island, which was used from the 1940s until the early 1980s. The USACE informed the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of the presence of the landfill in 1996. The landfill was added to the DEQ Environmental Cleanup Site Information (ECSI) database in April 1997, and the Bonneville Dam Project Manager signed a DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Agreement letter for the landfill on February 18, 1998. In 2000, when electrical equipment was discovered submerged in the river adjacent to the landfill, investigations were expanded to include the Columbia River off the north shore of Bradford Island. In 2004, USACE elected to continue the Bradford Island project under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) in accordance with Executive Order 12580.  

Numerous investigations have been performed by the USACE and their contractors since 1997 to characterize and evaluate the contamination resulting from historical USACE activities at Bradford Island, with the site divided into two Operable Units (OUs), the Upland OU and the River OU. A review of site records, including employee interviews, site environmental audits, and environmental investigations resulted in the identification of four areas of potential concern (AOPCs) for the Upland OU: the Landfill AOPC, Sandblast Area AOPC, Pistol Range AOPC and Bulb Slope AOPC. The River OU is not subdivided and consists of the pooled area immediately upriver of the Bonneville Dam complex, known as the Bonneville Dam Forebay. The primary contaminants of interest that have been identified in soil and/or groundwater in the four Upland OU AOPCs include selected metals; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); butyltins; volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and a few pesticides/herbicides. The contaminants of interest identified in offshore sediments and/or tissue samples for the River OU include selected metals, PCBs, pesticides, and PAHs.  

Due to the PCB contamination in fish tissue, there is currently a fish advisory to not eat any resident fish between the Bonneville Dam and one mile upstream of the dam. More detail on the fish advisory can be found on the following Oregon Health Authority website: Bonneville Dam Fish Advisory.  

Cleanup Efforts

The electrical equipment and debris discovered in the Columbia River off the north shore of Bradford Island in December 2000 was removed from the river in February and March 2002, as part of a time-critical removal action. Approximately 32 tons of solid waste was removed and disposed of off-site.  

Following delineation of the extent of sediment contamination, impacted sediment along the north shore of Bradford Island was dredged and removed from the Columbia River in October 2007, as part of a non-time critical removal action. During the dredging action, 2.2 million gallons of water and 65 tons of sediment were suctioned from the river bottom. The water was filtered to remove contaminants and the water returned to the river was non-detectable for PCBs at five parts per trillion. The captured sediment, taken to a licensed landfill, was non-detectable for PCBs at 80 parts per billion.  



The Department of the Army recognizes the importance of public and stakeholder participation in USACE Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act (CERCLA) response actions. Portland District created a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) to improve public participation by involving the community and tribal nations in the environmental cleanup at the Bradford Island National Priorities List (NPL) site. 

The RAB integrates public participation by involving the community in the restoration decision-making process. The RAB establishes and maintains a forum with stakeholders for the exchange of information in an open and interactive dialogue concerning the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) response activities at the Bradford Island NPL Site. The RAB provides comments and advice to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Portland District, on the proposed response activities. Additionally, they serve as liaisons between the Corps and the community. Board meetings are always open to the public. 

Next RAB meeting scheduled for January 14, 2025 (Virtual Only)

The public is invited to join the next Bradford Island Federal Facility NPL site Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) virtually (via Microsoft TeamsJanuary 14, 2025, from 5-7 p.m. Check this website prior to the meeting for details or click here and ask to be added to the mailing list and we will send you the link when it becomes available.    

For the complete list of the recorded RAB public meetings, click here

RAB meeting minutes

June 13, 2023

December 12, 2023

May 9, 2023

March 20, 2023