US Army Corps of Engineers
Portland District


Published Aug. 18, 2016
Expiration date: 9/15/2016

PUBLIC NOTICE for Permit Application

Issue Date: August 16, 2016

Expiration Date: September 15, 2016

US Army Corps of Engineers No: NWP-2016-57

30-Day Notice Oregon Department of State Lands No: 

Interested parties are hereby notified the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (Corps) has received an application  for a Department of the Army permit for certain work in waters of the United States, as described below and shown on the attached plans.  The Corps is soliciting comments on the proposed work.

Applicant: Bonneville Power Administration
Attention: Doug Corkran
PO Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208
Telephone: (503) 230-7646

Applicant’s Agent: Turnstone Environmental 
Attention: Thomas Dee
PO Box 83362
Portland, Oregon 97283
Telephone: (503) 283-5338

Location:  The project site is with the BPA right-of-way of the Salem-Albany number 1 line, Polk, Marion, Linn and Benton Oregon.  

Waterway: There are 123 wetlands and 344 segments of non-wetland waters identified within the project area. Wetlands totaled 94.62 acres and non-wetland waters totaled 20.19 acres. The project crosses the Willamette River at mile 152 and mile 120.  Wetlands and waterways within the project area were delineated in fall of 2013 and spring of 2014.  

There are no vernal pools, bogs, fens, mature forested wetland, seasonal mudflats, or native wet prairies in the project area. There may be mature forested wetlands or native wet prairies near the project area but neither of these habitats will be impacted by the proposed project.

Project Purpose:  The applicant’s stated purpose is to ensure the integrity and reliability of the Salem-Albany transmission lines.

Project Description:  The project involves the placement of 57,718 cubic yards of fill in 5.92 acres of wetland. The project also places 383 cubic yards of fill material into 0.05 acres of waters below the ordinary high water mark. The project maintains and improves the Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA) 24 miles of electric transmission line, Line Number 1, from Salem to Albany.  BPA will remove and replace the existing wooden poles supporting the line. The conductors, guy wires, overhead ground wires, and counterpoise will also be replaced. The project will improve and reconstruct existing access roads, and construct new access roads. BPA would also install and replace forded crossings, culverts, and access road gates along the length of the project. The Salem to Albany transmission line crosses the Willamette River. The project will not place any further fill material into the Willamette River, however the conductors crossing the Willamette River will be replaced.

The wooden poles would be replaced in the same holes of the existing poles where possible and in new holes where the structures need to be moved ahead or behind as needed. All the poles would be 24-inch diameter and would be placed in augured holes about 10 feet deep; existing holes would be cleaned out and re-augured. Where an existing structure would be replaced by a new structure in a different location, new holes would be augured and the old holes would be backfilled with gravel and soil. Excess soils excavated from new holes would be spread evenly around the base and reseeded with a predominantly native seed mix or a seed mix agreed upon with landowners. Excess soils excavated from existing holes that contain wood preservative would be properly removed and transported to a facility that accepts these materials.

Access roads in wetlands and waterways would be constructed with 12-foot-wide road bed and up to 3- foot sides for slopes or drainage ditches. The total disturbance width for a typical access road is 18 feet. Some road and disturbance areas would be wider to allow vehicles to negotiate curves or bends in the road and to accommodate cut and fill slopes associated with the improvements. A total of eight miles of new permanent access roads would be constructed. New construction would involve clearing vegetation, grading and developing the road prism, installation of drainage structures (culverts, drain dips), and gravelling.

12 new culverts are proposed within the project area. Adverse effects to wetlands and non-wetland waters are expected to be minimal and temporary as work is proposed to occur on the existing transmission corridor and access roads. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented as appropriate to protect water quality and minimize work disturbances.

Typical BMPs that will be included during construction is the installation of a sediment fence around the perimeter of the site to prevent sediment leaving the project area. Straw wattles and/or rock check dams will be placed in the ditches along access roads where maintenance activities are performed. Utilizing low impact construction methods that are protective of wetland surfaces when temporary access is needed to new structure and/or work sites. Excess and unusable materials shall be disposed of off-site and/or in upland areas. A Spill Prevention and Response Plan will be followed to address petroleum and hazardous materials handling and management procedures for this project. The use non-invasive temporary/permanent seed mixtures to stabilize work areas.

The applicant proposes to avoid and minimize impacts from the project by implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) as appropriate to protect water quality and minimize work disturbances. BPA holds and maintains an agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Storm Water 1200-CA Permit from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) (File No. 111769; EPA No. ORR10-4145). BPA has been instructed by DEQ to comply with the Federal General Construction permit (January 8, 2009 or most current) until the state revises the 1200-CA permit. BPAs line Contractor will prepare and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) involving the installation of appropriate BMPs, monitoring of any discharges, hazardous
Mitigation:  The applicant has provided a proposed compensatory wetland mitigation plan to offset the loss of waters of the U.S. that may result from the proposed project.  The goal of the plan is to compensate for the permanent loss of 5.92 acres of waters by purchasing credits from applicable mitigation banks.  The Corps will determine the appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation commensurate with the project impacts.

Drawings:  Figures (1-14) are attached (Enclosure 1) and labeled Corps No. NWP-2016-57 Copies of this public notice, which have been mailed or otherwise physically distributed, feature project drawings in black and white.  The electronic version features those drawings in color, which we think more accurately illustrates the proposed project.  To access the electronic version of this public notice, go to the Portland District website at and select Regulatory Branch Permit Information.  At the Regulatory page select Regulatory Public Notices. A table of impacts for permanent fill being placed is included in the figures. 

Authority:  The proposed project will be evaluated under the following:

Section 10, Rivers and Harbors Act 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), for work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States.

Section 404, Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), for discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.

Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines:  The described discharge will be evaluated for compliance with guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under authority of Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act.  The 404(b)(1) Guidelines are the substantive criteria used in evaluating discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Should a permit be issued, the Corps will evaluate the fill material source (i.e., borrow site) prior to the start of construction.

Water Quality Certification:  Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1341) requires applicants to obtain a water quality certification for proposed discharges into waters of the United States.  A permit for the described work will not be issued until certification has been issued or is waived from the certifying state.  Attached is the state's notice for a water quality certification.

Endangered Species:  Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 U.S.C 1536) requires federal agencies to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and/or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on all actions that may affect a species listed (or proposed for listing) under the ESA as threatened or endangered or that may adversely modify designated critical habitat.  The Corps’ preliminary review indicates the described activity may affect any endangered species or designated critical habitat.  For this project, the Bonneville Power Administration, as the lead Federal agency for ESA consultation, will consult with the NMFS and/or the USFWS as required under Section 7 of the ESA. The USFWS issued a biological opinion for this project on April 9, 2015.

Essential Fish Habitat:  Section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) as amended (16 U.S.C 1855), requires Federal agencies to consult with the NMFS on all actions, or proposed actions, permitted, funded, or undertaken by the agency, that may adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat (EFH).  The Corps’ preliminary review indicates the described activity would not adversely affect EFH at the project location or in its vicinity.  For this project, the Bonneville Power Administration, as the lead Federal agency for MSA consultation, will consult with the NMFS as necessary.  

Historic Properties/Cultural Resources:  Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), requires Federal agencies to consult with the appropriate State and/or Tribal Historic Preservation Officer to take into account the effects of actions they undertake or permit on historic properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.  For this project, Bonneville Power Administration, as the lead Federal agency for determining compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA, consulted with the appropriate State and/or Tribal Historic Preservation Officer as applicable. A Memorandum of Agreement was signed between Bonneville Power Administration and the State SHPO dated December 3, 2015.  

Public Hearing:  Any person may request in writing within the comment period specified in this notice that a public hearing be held to consider this application.  Requests for public hearings shall state with particularity the reasons for holding a public hearing.

Evaluation:  The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact, including cumulative impacts, of the described activity on the public interest.  That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources.  The benefit, which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the described activity, must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments.  All factors, which may be relevant to the described activity will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, consideration of property ownership and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people.

The Corps is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed project.  Comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal.  Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.  Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing.

Submitting Comments:  Interested parties are invited to provide comments on the proposed project.  Comments may be submitted by conventional mail or email.  All comments received will be considered in determining whether authorizing the work would be contrary to the public interest.  

Either conventional mail or e-mail comments must include the Corps reference number as shown on page 1 and include the commenter’s name and address.  In order to be accepted, e-mail comments must originate from the author’s e-mail account and must include on the subject line of the e-mail message the Corps reference number.  All comments received will become part of the administrative record and are subject to public release under the Freedom of Information Act including any personally identifiable information such as names, phone numbers, and addresses.

Additional information about the proposed project may be obtained from the Corps Project Manager listed below.  All comments, whether by conventional mail or email, must be received no later than the expiration date of this public notice to ensure consideration.  Comments should be submitted to the following mailing address or email address:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Branch
Brad Johnson 
P.O. 2946
Portland, Oregon  97208-2946
Telephone:  (503) 808-4383

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Water Quality 401 Certification

Notice Issued: August 16, 2016
Written Comments Due: September 15, 2016

Corps of Engineers No: NWP-2016-57
Oregon Department of State Lands No: «ODSL»

WHO IS THE APPLICANT:  Bonneville Power Administration

LOCATION OF CERTIFICATION ACTIVITY:  See attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers public notice.

WHAT IS PROPOSED:  See attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers public notice on the proposed project.

NEED FOR CERTIFICATION:  Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act requires applicants for Federal permits or licenses to provide the Federal agency a water quality certification from the State of Oregon if the proposed activity may result in a discharge to waters of the state.

DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGES:  See attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers public notice on the proposed project.

WHERE TO FIND DOCUMENTS:  Documents and materials related to water quality issues as a result of the proposal are available for examination and copying at Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 401 Water Quality Certification Coordinator, Northwest Region, 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232.  Other project materials are available by contacting the Corps per the attached public notice.

Scheduling an appointment will ensure that water quality documents are readily accessible during your visit.  To schedule an appointment please call DEQ Water Quality at Northwest Region at (503) 229-5263.

Any questions on the water quality certification process may be addressed to the 401 Program Coordinator at (503) 229-6030 or toll free within Oregon at (800) 452-4011.  People with hearing impairments may call the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900.


Public Hearing:  Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-48-0032 (2) states that “The Corps provides public notice of and opportunity to comment on the applications, including the application for certification, provided that the department (DEQ), in its discretion, may provide additional opportunity for public comment, including public hearing.” 

Written comments:
Written comments on project elements related to water quality must be received at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality by 5 p.m. on the date specified in the upper right section on page one of this notice.  Written comments may be emailed, mailed or faxed as described below: 

Email -

Mail -  Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Northwest Region
           700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600
Portland, Oregon 97232           
Attn:  401 Water Quality Certification Coordinator 

Fax - (503) 229-6957

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT:  DEQ will review and consider all comments received during the public comment period.  Following this review, certification of the proposal may be issued as proposed, issued with conditions, or denied.  You will be notified of DEQ's final decision if you submit comments during the comment period.  Otherwise, if you wish to receive notification, please call or write DEQ at the above address.

ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:  This publication is available in alternate format (e.g. large print, Braille) upon request.  Please contact DEQ Office of Communications and Outreach at (503) 229-5317 or toll free within Oregon at 1-800-452-4011 to request an alternate format.  People with a hearing impairment can receive help by calling the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900.

Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from City of Warrenton to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Hammond, Clatsop County, Ore.
Brian Zabel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from David Capri to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Newport, Lincoln County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Ash Grove Cement Company to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Vinci LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from TLP Management Services, LLC to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at river mile 4.9 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Sun Forest Meadows, LLC. to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Philomath, Benton County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Rodd Hansen to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Eugene, Lane County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from McCall Oil and Chemical Corporation to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Albany, Benton County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Medford Water Commission to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Central Point, Jackson County, Ore.
Kinsey M. Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from King’s Landing LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Newberg, Yamhill County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from GPA1 LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Corvallis, Benton County, Ore.
Jessica M. Menichino is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Lake Oswego School District to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Lake Oswego, Clackamas County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Eugene, Lane County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Springfield, Lane County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Mr. Roger and Pamela Bristol to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Harrisburg, Linn County, Ore.
Danielle H. Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Gable Road, LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Rick Mathews to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Winchester, Douglas County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes, LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Springfield, Lane County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Oregon State University to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Corvallis, Benton County, Ore.
Kinsey M. Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Gramor Investments to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Newberg, Yamhill County, Ore.
Tyler J. Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Port of Bandon to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Bandon, Coos County, Ore.
Invitation to Corps' Regulatory Branch Open House on November 13, 2018
Kinsey M. Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from T5 @ Portland III, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands and a tributary of McKay Creek in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Timberhill Partners, LLC. to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Corvallis, Benton County, Ore.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Georgia-Pacific Consumer Operations LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Halsey, Linn County, Ore.
Melanie O’Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Murphy Company to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Eugene, Lane County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Knife River Corporation - Northwest to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Keizer, Marion County, Ore.
Tyler J. Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Mr. Ed Perlenfein to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Millersburg, Linn County, Ore.
Benny Dean, Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Bret Fox to conduct work impacting wetlands and an unnamed tributary in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Meduri Farms, Inc. to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Salem, Marion County, Ore.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Fred Wahl Marine Construction to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Reedsport, Douglas County, Ore.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Northwest Aggregates Company to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Scappoose, Columbia County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Prologis LP to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hix Snedeker Development, LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Molalla, Clackamas County, Ore.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Airpark Development, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Scappoose, Columbia County, Ore.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Lake Side Industries, Inc. to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Portland, Multnomah, Ore.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from S Cullen, LLC to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Astoria, Clatsop County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Dean Dordevic to conduct work impacting the Willamette River and Ross Island Lagoon in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Ash Grove Cement Company to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Northernwood, LLC. to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Philomath, Benton County, Ore.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Tidewater Contractors to conduct work impacting the Chetco River at river mile 10.2 in Brookings, Curry County, Oregon.
Kinsey M. Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from MIGAR Corporation to conduct work impacting wetlands in Monmouth, Polk County, Ore.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Athey Creek Christian Fellowship to conduct work impacting wetlands in West Linn, Clackamas County, Oregon.
NWP 2018-190
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Kalama to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at the Port of Kalama in Cowlitz County, Washington.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Grants Pass Jetboats, Inc. to conduct work impacting the Rogue River from river mile 84-101 in Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon.
Winston Zack is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Lennar Northwest to conduct work impacting waters of the United States in Milwaukie, Clackamas County, Ore.
Mr. Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas to conduct work impacting waters of the United States and the alteration of federally-authorized projects.
Ms. Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from West Hills Land Development, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Beaverton, Washington County, Ore.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes to conduct work impacting a pond and wetlands in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon.
Tyler J. Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Freeman Rock, Inc. to conduct work impacting wetlands in Brookings, Curry County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from ECM Brandis, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands and a tributary in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Seaside School District to conduct work impacting streams and wetlands in Seaside, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Monmouth Power and Light Utility to conduct work impacting wetlands in Monmouth, Polk County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from MC Marina, LLC to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at river mile 108.5 in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Dallas Maple Street, LLC to conduct work impacting a wetland and tributary of Rickreall Creek in Dallas, Polk County, Ore.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from West Hills Land Development, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands, tributaries and a drainage channel in Beaverton, Washington County, Ore.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Kalama to conduct work impacting the Columbia River in Columbia County, Oregon and Cowlitz County, Washington.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Greater Albany Public Schools to conduct work impacting wetlands in Albany, Linn County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Columbia Crossings to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at river mile 106 in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from TLP Management Services, LLC to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at River Mile 4.9 in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Eugene Civic Alliance to conduct work impacting wetlands in Eugene, Lane County, Ore.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from U.S. Forest Service to conduct work impacting the South Fork McKenzie River, tributaries, wetlands and ponds in McKenzie Bridge, Lane County, Ore.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from U.S. Forest Service to conduct work impacting the Cougar Reservoir in McKenzie Bridge, Lane County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Portland Yacht Club to conduct work impacting the Columbia River in Corvallis, Benton County, Ore.
Brian Zabel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Oregon State University, Design and Construction to conduct work impacting wetlands in Newport, Lincoln County, Ore.
Brad A. Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Rare Earth Resources, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Halfway, Baker County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Pacific Power to conduct work impacting wetlands in Grants Pass in Josephine County, Ore. and White City in Jackson County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from MBBH Development, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Albany, Linn County, Ore.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Polygon WLH LLC., to conduct work impacting two ponds and four wetlands in North Bethany, Washington County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from City of Corvallis to conduct work impacting wetlands in Corvallis, Benton County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Glorietta Bay, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands in Albany, Linn County, Ore.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Greater Albany School District to conduct work impacting wetlands in Albany, Linn County, Ore.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Daniel Graham to conduct work impacting Coos Bay and wetlands abutting and adjacent to Coos Bay in Coos Bay, Ore.
NWP-2017-292 (Correction)
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Snyder Creek Development, LLC. to conduct work impacting wetlands, open water and drainage ditches in Eagle Point, Jackson County, Ore.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from United States Gypsum Company to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at river mile 65.5 in Rainier, Columbia County, Ore.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Portland General Electric to conduct work impacting a wetland, which drains into Rock Creek via an unnamed tributary in Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Eugene Water and Electric Board to conduct work impacting the McKenzie River, abutting wetlands and hydroelectric canals in Leaburg, Lane County, Ore.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from St. Hilaire Brothers Hermiston Farm, LLC. to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at mile 301.7 in Hermiston, Umatilla County, Ore.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from South Prairie Drainage District to conduct work impacting the Tillamook River and Anderson Creek in Tillamook, Tillamook County, Ore.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Snyder Creek Development, LLC. to conduct work impacting wetlands, open water and drainage ditches in Eagle Point, Jackson County, Ore.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Vancouver to conduct work impacting the Columbia River in Vancouver, Clark County,
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Marion County Public Works to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at river mile 106.5 in Buena Vista, Polk and Marion counties, Ore.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of Sutherlin to conduct work impacting 1.27 acres of wetland and 430 linear feet of a tributary of Cook Creek in Sutherlin, Douglas County, Ore.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Mountain West Investments to conduct work impacting wetlands located in Philomath, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Tualatin Valley Water District and the City of Hillsboro to conduct work impacting the Willamette River, the Tualatin River and several of its tributaries, multiple wetlands, and ditches in the cities of Wilsonville, Sherwood, Beaverton, Tigard, Tualatin, and Hillsboro, in Clackamas and Washington Counties, Oregon.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Kalama to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at river mile 76 in Kalama, Cowlitz County, Washington and river mile 77.5 in Columbia County, Oregon.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Gary and Julie Rodgers to conduct work impacting 3.93 acres of wetlands in Albany, Oregon.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Longview, Washington, to conduct work impacting the Columbia River near river mile 62, in Columbia County, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Columbia Improvement District to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at river mile 271.5 in Boardman, Morrow County, Ore.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from 4430 Building, LLC. to conduct work impacting the Willamette River in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Big Beams, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands in Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Astoria to conduct work impacting the Columbia River, River Mile 13.5, in Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of McMinnville to conduct work impacting wetlands, streams and roadside ditches in McMinnville, Yamhill County, Ore.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from CSC Cap Holding, LLC to conduct work impacting four (4) wetlands in Tigard, Washington County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Columbia Crossing, LLC to conduct work impacting two (2) wetlands in Rainier, Columbia County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of Albany to conduct work impacting five (5) wetlands and the Burkhart Creek Overflow tributary in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Murphy Company to conduct work impacting three (3) wetlands in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Chris Kiilsgaard to conduct work impacting wetlands located in Corvallis, Oregon.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes, LLC to conduct work impacting six (6) unnamed wetlands referred to as Wetlands A,B,C,D,E and F in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the U.S. Coast Guard to conduct work impacting the Rogue River in Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon.
Melanie O'Meara is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Hayden Homes, LLC to conduct work impacting three (3) palustrine emergent wetlands in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Alan Kay Properties, LLC to conduct work impacting seven wetlands and two tributaries to the Willamette River in Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Warrenton Fiber Company to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at River Mile 10.2 in Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Carrie Bond is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Oregon Department of Transportation to conduct work impacting an unnamed tributary to the Minam River in Union County, Elgin, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Amberglen South Development Company, LLC to conduct work impacting 5 wetlands referred to as Wetlands A, B, C, D, and E in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Linn County Road Department to conduct work impacting 3 wetlands and 16 roadside drainages which are tributaries of the Calapooia and Willamette Rivers in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this proposal to establish a wetland mitigation project in Douglas County, OR.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Flowers Enterprises, Inc. to conduct work impacting two wetlands in Aurora, Marion County, OR.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Gramor Investments to conduct work impacting a tributary to Springbrook Creek and four wetlands in Newberg, Yamhill County, OR.
Benny Dean, Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Applegate Holdings, LLC., to conduct work impacting the Dunawi Creek, two unnamed tributaries and abutting wetlands in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Portland General Electric to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to the Willamette River at 12500 NW Marina Way in Portland, Multnomah, OR.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Portland to conduct work impacting four wetlands in Portland, Multnomah County, OR.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of Medford to conduct work impacting Upton Slough in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon.
Benny A. Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of Medford to conduct work impacting Lone Pine Creek in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon.
Brad A. Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Riverside Homes, LLC to conduct work impacting two wetlands adjacent to Fanno Creek in Tigard, Washington County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Glorietta Bay, LLC to conduct work impacting a headwater tributary for Little Oak Creek and abutting wetlands in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from J.Conser and Sons, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands located in Philomath, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from St. Helens Marina, LLC to conduct work impacting the Columbia River in St. Helens, Columbia County, OR.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Portland to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at Terminal 4.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Oregon International Port of Coos Bay to conduct work impacting miles 5.5 through 15.0 of Coos Bay and the Pacific Ocean in Empire, Coos County, Oregon.
Tom Taylor is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this proposal establish a wetland mitigation project in Multnomah County, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Big Eddy Marina Inc., to conduct work impacting the Columbia River (river mile 118), in Portland, Oregon.
Benny Dean Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Corvallis Station LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to an unnamed tributary of the Willamette River in Corvallis, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from DuPont Fabros Technology to conduct work impacting a tributary to Waible Creek and wetlands Hillsboro, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Nike, Inc. to conduct work impacting two wetlands on the Nike World Headquarters campus in Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Billy Wright and Richard Todd to conduct work impacting the Pacific Ocean near Gold Beach and Brookings, Curry County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from David and Laurie Dukes to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to Crooks Creek in Millersburg, Linn County, Oregon.
NWP-2015-402 (Revised)
Judy Linton is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this proposal to change the northern boundary of the proposed Regional General Permit from the Umpqua River to the Siuslaw River. The proposed RGP would authorize certain maintenance activities in waters of the U.S. within Douglas, Coos, Curry and Lane counties from the Siuslaw River in Lane County to the California border and within the limits of Oregon’s designated coastal zone.
Omar Ortiz is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Parkway West, LLC to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to Amazon Creek in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Bend Park and Recreation District to conduct work impacting the Deschutes River below the Colorado Street Dam, in the city of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Port District No. One of Wahkiakum County to conduct work impacting the Elochoman Slough and Marina a side channel of the Columbia River in Cathlamet, Wahkiakum County, Washington.
Teena Monical is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Hayden Homes, LLC to conduct work impacting unnamed tributaries to the Long Tom River and adjacent and abutting wetlands in Veneta, Lane County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from St. Helens Marina, LLC to conduct work impacting the Columbia River in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Harbor 1 LLC to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at River Mile 108.4 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Kalama to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at approximately river mile (RM) 75.2. in Kalama, Cowlitz County, Washington.
Margaret Chang is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Ross Island Sand and Gravel Co. to conduct work impacting Ross Island Lagoon at approximately river mile 15 of the Willamette River in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Adam Svenson to conduct work impacting a 1.04 acre wetland in Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Northwest Aggregates Co. to conduct work impacting the Columbia River between River Miles 80 and 120.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Noyes Development Co. to conduct work impacting one wetland, an ephemeral stream, and two roadside ditches in Portland, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Gina Dearth to conduct work impacting the Coquille River at River Mile 0.8, in Bandon, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Chinook to conduct maintenance dredging in the Port of Chinook, Chinook Washington.
Carrie Bond is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from The Oregon Department of Transportation to conduct work impacting Antelope Creek and 14 wetlands (Wetlands A through N) present within the project area in Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Kent Aldrich to conduct work impacting wetlands and two unnamed tributaries in Monroe, Oregon.
Judy Linton is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this proposed Regional General Permit authorizing certain maintenance activities in waters of the U.S. within Douglas, Coos and Curry counties. The proposed RGP would be applicable along the South Coast of Oregon from the Umpqua River in Douglas County to the California border and within the limits of Oregon’s designated coastal zone.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Polygon NW Company to conduct work impacting a tributary to the Tualatin River and associated wetlands in Tigard, Oregon.
Carrie Bond is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Oregon Department of Transportation to conduct work impacting Whetstone Creek, North and South Swanson Creek, ditches, and associated wetlands in Medford, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to conduct work impacting Wetlands abutting and adjacent to unnamed tributaries to Sevenmile Creek, and channels abutting Beaver Slough in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Albany Parks Department to conduct work impacting an unnamed wetland adjacent to municipal stormwater pipes in Albany, Linn County, Oregon.
Omar Ortiz is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Pacific Power to conduct work impacting 4.78 acres of wetlands and a roadside ditch in Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Curry County Road Department to conduct work impacting Hunter Creek near Gold Beach, Oregon.
Benny A. Dean, Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Circle Drive Partners, LLC to conduct work impacting approximately 22.87 acres of wetlands and two unnamed tributaries to Oak Creek in Corvallis, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Adam Crites to conduct work impacting the Alder Creek, Spruce Forested Wetland, Scrub/Shrub Wetland and Red Alder Forested Wetland in Warrenton, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Warrenton Fiber Company to conduct work impacting the Columbia River at River Mile 10.2, in Warrenton, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Garibaldi to conduct work impacting Tillamook Bay.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the City of Prineville to conduct work impacting wetlands wetlands adjacent to the Crooked River and approximately 1.5 miles of the Crooked River from river mile 44.5 to 46, in Crook County, Oregon.
Peter Olmstead is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Idaho Power Company to conduct work impacting the Snake River at river mile 333.0, in Huntington, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to conduct work impacting Beaver Slough near Coquille, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from McCall Oil and Chemical Corporation to conduct work impacting the Willamette River at river mile 8.0, in Portland, Oregon.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Key Line Construction to conduct work impacting the North Fork Roberts Creek in Roseburg, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Stern Group LLC, to conduct work impacting the Columbia River, river mile 108.6, in Portland, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Thomas Leith to conduct work impacting Hunter Creek in Gold Beach, Oregon.
Heidi Firstencel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Georgia 01, LLC, to conduct work impacting an unnamed tributary to Muddy Creek in Coburg, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Portland Development Commission to conduct work over the Willamette River at river mile 11.3, in Portland, Oregon.
Dominic Yballe is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Clackamas County Development Agency to conduct work impacting wetlands near the Clackamas River in Happy Valley, Oregon.
Heidi Firstencel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from GTO Property, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands at a site near W. 11th Avenue and Westec Drive in Eugene, Oregon.
Peter Olmstead is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the city of Halfway to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to Pine Creek and an unnamed tributary; wetlands adjacent to Lee Creek; and wetlands adjacent to an unnamed tributary of Sag Creek, in the city of Halfway, Oregon.
Carrie Bond is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the U.S. Department of Transportation to conduct work impacting Lithia Mitigation Site Wetlands, Lithia Log Pond, Wetland I and Vernal Pool Complex, Medford, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the city of Albany to conduct work impacting unnamed tributaries to and wetlands abutting the Albany Canal, Albany, Oregon.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from PC Roseburg, LLC, to conduct work impacting Wetlands abutting Newton Creek in Roseburg, Oregon.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Fugate Farms, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to Twomile Creek in Bandon, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Roguejets, Inc., to conduct work impacting multiple sites in the Rogue River from Gold Beach to Agness, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Port of Alsea to conduct work impacting Alsea Bay in Waldport, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from Portland General Electric to conduct work impacting the Clackamas River at River Mill Dam in Estacada, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this permit application from the Rose City Yacht Club to conduct work impacting the south bank of the Columbia River, River Mile 109.1, adjacent to 3737 NE Marine Drive in Portland, Oregon.
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the Port of Portland to conduct work adjacent to Terminals 2, 4, 5 and 6, Berths 308 and 315, and the Navigation Facility in Portland, Oregon.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Suttle Road Moorage, LLC, to conduct work impacting the Oregon Slough portion of the Columbia River at River Mile 2.6 in Portland, Oregon.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Hudson Capital/MBBH Development, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands abutting Traux Creek in Albany, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for a permit application from the Port of Ilwaco to conduct work impacting the north shoreline of Baker Bay, Ilwaco, Washington.
Michael LaDouceur is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Robert Evans Company, Inc., to conduct work impacting wetlands on property located at the intersection of NW Five Oaks Drive and NW Croeni Road near Hillsboro, Oregon.
Anita Andazola is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Salmon Harbor Marina to conduct work in Winchester Bay, Ore.
Emergency Procedures
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Portland District, Regulatory Branch is providing the following emergency permitting procedures to the public:
Benny Dean, Jr. is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from GPA1 LLC, to conduct work impacting some unnamed wetlands and tributaries Corvallis, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Port Warren Moorage Association to conduct work impacting the Skipanon River at river mile 1.2 in Warrenton, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Charlton Deep Sea Charters, Inc. to conduct work impacting the Skipanon River at river mile 1.2 in Warrenton, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay to conduct work impacting South Slough, Joe Ney Slough and Coos Bay, Charleston, Oregon.
Benny Dean is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the city of Corvallis to conduct work impacting wetlands and waterway features which flow to the Marys River near Corvallis, Oregon.
Brad Johnson is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the city of Lincoln City to conduct work impacting the D-River in Lincoln City, Oregon.
NWP- 2015-252
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Montagne Development Inc. to conduct work impacting some wetlands associated with South Fork Ash Creek, in Independence, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Hollis Land and Timber to conduct work impacting an unnamed tributary to Bryan Creek in Newberg, Oregon.
Tyler Krug is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the Port of Brookings-Harbor to conduct work impacting the Chetco River, mile 0.4, and within the Pacific Ocean near Harbor, Oregon.
NWP-2014-177-2 and NWP-2015-111
Melody White is the Regulatory point-of-contact for two permit applications for related projects from the Port of Kalama and Northwest Pipeline, LLC, to conduct work impacting the Columbia River near Kalama, Washington.
Andrea Wagner is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Selmet, Inc., to conduct work impacting some wetlands and waterways in Albany, Oregon.
Danielle Erb is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from TC Tigard, LLC, to conduct work impacting wetlands associated with an unnamed tributary to Fanno Creek, Tigard, Oregon.
Heidi Firstencel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Seneca Sawmill Company to conduct work impacting wetlands and unnamed tributaries in the Amazon Creek watershed in Eugene, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Riverbend Landfill Company to increase the size of its existing municipal solid waste landfill on land owned by the landfill in McMinnville, Oregon.
Carrie Bond is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from the Oregon Department of Transportation to conduct work impacting waterways within the Cougar Creek main stem, Crystal Creek main stem, and Eddy Creek Tributary C, along Highway 20 in Eddyville, Oregon.
Kinsey Friesen is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from J.C. Compton Company to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent adjacent to Turner Lake in Turner, Oregon.
Heidi Firstencel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from Lane County School District No. 4J to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to a tributary to Amazon Creek in Eugene, Oregon.
Heidi Firstencel is the Regulatory point-of-contact for this application for a permit from McDougal Brothers, Inc., to conduct work impacting wetlands adjacent to Amazon Diversion Canal/Amazon Creek in Eugene, Oregon.