News Releases

Corps announces Notice of Availability for leasing Philippi Park

Published May 23, 2013

PORTLAND, ORE. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that its Notice of Availability, No. DACW57-P-13-0012RE, for leasing Philippi Park, is now available for viewing on the Federal Business Opportunities website,


A Notice of Availability begins an official process of soliciting interest for the potential transfer of management responsibilities for Albert Philippi Park under a long-term lease. Potential lessees may request an Application for Leasing through June 20, 2013, that describes the site and gives details of the lease requirements.


To obtain a copy, send an email to The email must identify the person requesting the Application, as well as the entity or corporation represented.


Applications will be evaluated by:

  1. Understanding of park and recreation services and soundness of approach;
  2. Organization and staffing;
  3. Experience of applicant;
  4. Financial capability;
  5. Quality control; and
  6. Safety and emergency plans and operations.


To review the Philippi Park NOA go to


The Corps temporarily closed Philippi Park this recreation season due to budget shortfalls which impact all aspects of operations, including sufficient ranger staff to manage and oversee visitors; safety and law enforcement; sufficient maintenance staff to mow and maintain the park; and failing infrastructure.
Diana Fredlund

Release no. 13-030

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